Sunday, June 12, 2011



Calligrams means ‘beautiful writing’. A calligram represents a highly original contribution to the visual tradition ,by using variety of shapes: from the simple lines of everyday objects to visual ballets of complicated counterpoint.
Also you can be creative and draw your own Calligrams with Draw Plus. It's fun and easy

As stated by Apollinaire in his book, calligrams are used to express the poets emotions and feelings which create visual image of the poem or the theme the poem in the readers mind. For example poet created a poem about love and diamond and he expressed this in a shape of a diamond, this will create an automatic image of a diamond in the readers mind and will be more effective and reader will find it more interesting to read it and therefore the reader will understand what the poet trying to express or create.

*on my hand*
*reflecting love*
*stars , dance*
*an endless*

to know more click here,

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