Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Stonehenge is an ancient stone circle in Wiltshire,in the south of England.It's also a mysterious place.People built it about  5,000 years ago,but no one knows why.
A lot of people today think that it was a type of calendar because the sun shines on the stones at special times.Others think that it was a religious place.There are three circles of stones and some of them are very heavy.These stones came from Walesover 100 km away.People didn't have transport in those days , so how did they move them? and how people built Stonehenge?

Stonehenge has more than 750,000 visitors every year.It's very popular in the summer months,but autumn and winter are also great times to visit .The light changes and the stones appear very beautiful and mysterious.
You can read more and more about Ancient  Britain ,click here

Of course , you can check your knowlege about  Iron Age Life  through this gamehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/british_prehistory/launch_gms_ironage_life.shtml


Native Tribes of Britain before the Romans

The British Isles
This map shows the approximate location of the major tribes who lived in Britain at the time of the Roman Conquest of Britain in the First Century AD. The sole source for the existence and location of these tribes are Roman writers who visited Britain.


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